yes, since yesterday, some of members could not login. What was happening there? after searching on their forum, this is what admin said As the title says this is one of the most important updates of HyBux since our launch from BETA stage. You will see all the updates available on the site, but here I will explain some of them.
- Jackpot Balance Now you can see your jackpot balance near to your main and purchase balances on the top menu. This is useful and it's practical.
- Easiest Navigation We had added much more tooltips and had facilitated the navigation on whole site. However do not doubt in contact us in case of any difficulty!
- New Design Also you will see that some areas are changed totally. New design is created for areas like members panel.
- Personal Messages This is also a very important update as we implemented the text operations available in the forum to Personal Messages (bold text, underline text, hyperlinks, images...). Remember that spamming can result in permanent suspension of HyBux account.
- More Games Beside the MegaJackpot now you can play our lottery. 100 numbers and 5 winners. With very high prizes (max $20, min $4). Check more on the lottery page.
- Advertisement Targeting Just a fast info about fixed country targeting.
- New Login We changed the last login form, now it's more secure and processed via https => SSL SECURED LOGIN.
- Direct Referrals The exceeding referrals removal fee was removed. Now you can delete them for free without any problem.
- Forum As you will see the Forum perfomance was increased.
- Banner Our banner also updated (internal update). Now it's almost not use server resources.
- Bonus Due to some attacks, our bonus is disabled, we will give some news in the future.
- Premium We like to see so much people who used our promotion and bought 6 month and 1 year Premium. Starting from now, the price for Premium membership will be of $90.
- Innovation in PTC World We are proud to present you a new face of HyBux, from now HyBux also will be known in PTS World (Paid to SignUp). You can start Pre-Purchasing (with special discounts) your offer and when the system fully launch you will see it in advertiser panel, you will also be able to approve/deny users requested signups by yourself in one click.